Please join us to celebrate the love of


Autumn Equinox

Sunday, September 22, 2024








Please R.S.V.P. by June 15, 2024

How We Met

Ben and Krysti met online on a Facebook group for people who like rocks!

Krysti saw Ben’s art posted and the stones were so detailed in their delicate carvings that she could only assume a lady with dainty hands had created them. When she realized that the artist was a man named Ben she was intrigued and for the first time in history added a stranger on Facebook!

And then…

The two of them hit it off immediately discovering that they share so many similar interests such as hiking, off grid living, farming, and just enjoying every moment in life.

Ben invited Krysti to join him on his journey as he walks across Canada and Krysti being adventurous and often spontaneous decided to join along.

Together they left BC and headed for Ben’s off grid cabin in Manitoba where they prepared for their hike.

That summer they walked from Roblin Manitoba to Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan on the Great Trail across Canada. When they arrived back to the cabin and prepared for winter they decided to expand the family and get some goats!

Once spring came back around they decided to stay home to do some homesteading in preparing a garden to grow their own food and they started raising chickens. They realized by fall with the expansion of gardens and farm animals that they needed more room to spread out!

They sold the cabin and purchased a 5 acre farm just north of Grandview on the foothills of Duck Mountain in Manitoba. From there they have expanded with larger gardens, ducks, another goat, a pony and even a horse!

The Proposal

One particularly beautiful spring morning Ben and Krysti were enjoying their coffee in their orchard while admiring the apple blossoms. Krysti heard something behind her and when she turned around Ben was down on one knee holding an open ring box out in front of him.

Our Wedding

Now they are inviting you to join them as they celebrate their love for one another on the Autumn Equinox; September 22nd, 2024 on their farm.

Very Important Details

  • We will be having a short ceremony followed by socializing, finger foods, fun outdoor activities and exploring the property prior to enjoying dinner and a bonfire
  • Parking is available on our property
  • Accommodations are available in Grandview which is about a 10 minute drive away from our farm, or you can book in at the Best Western Plus in Dauphin, approximately 40 minutes away, for a special rate ($170) before August 1, 2024.
  • We will have outdoor loos available for restrooms
  • We will have limited alcohol so please B.Y.O.B. (there is a Liquor Mart in Dauphin @ 1460 Main St S.) we will have non alcoholic beverages and mixers for you!
  • We’re getting married on a farm – so dress comfortably and wear your best farm ready shoes!
  • It may get cold in the evening so be sure to bring layers to stay warm
  • Please no gifts, well wishes only!
  • Please RSVP by June 15th, 2024

Celebrate With Us!

Please RSVP by June 15, 2024